Body Language Skills Course

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Course Description

Can you tell if some­one is telling the truth just by look­ing at them? It is a skill that a lot of peo­ple do not have. Through Body Lan­guage Basics you will be given a set of tools to use to your advan­tage. These tools can be uti­lized in the office and at home. Under­stand­ing Body Lan­guage will pro­vide you a great advan­tage in your daily com­mu­ni­ca­tions.

Body Lan­guage Basics will pro­vide you with a great set of skills to under­stand that what is not said is just as impor­tant than what is said. It will also give you the abil­ity to see and under­stand how your own Body Lan­guage is being seen. You will be able to adjust and improve the way you com­mu­ni­cate through non-​verbal communications.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Define body language.
  • Under­stand the ben­e­fits and pur­pose of inter­pret­ing body language.
  • Learn to inter­pret basic body lan­guage movements.
  • Rec­og­nize com­mon mis­takes when inter­pret­ing body language.
  • Under­stand your own body lan­guage and what you are communicating.
  • Prac­tice your body lan­guage skills.

Course Features

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Module One: Getting Started
Module Two: Communicating with Body Language
Module Three: Reading Body Language
Module Four: Body Language Mistakes
Module Five: Gender Differences
Module Six: Nonverbal Communication
Module Seven: Facial Expressions
Module Eight: Body Language in Business
Module Nine: Lying and Body Language
Module Ten: Improve Your Body Language
Module Eleven: Matching Your Words to Your Movement
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up

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